Remembering Michigan Lavender Farms and Festivals - and making crafts!

Images from Cranberry Lake Lavender Farm

8”x10” acrylic impressionist painting of lavender field by Artist Anna Barnhart

8”x10” acrylic impressionist painting of lavender field by Artist Anna Barnhart

Watch me paint!

Lavender farms! Who knew there were so many in Michigan, much less multiple ones in Marcellus.

At least, there was. While I got the honor of hosting lavender-themed crafts for Lavender Dream Farm in 2019, and Cranberry Lake Lavender Farm in 2017 and 2018, Unfortunately Cranberry Lake Lavender Farm is no longer in business. The owner had many reasons, and while many posts might bemoan the disappearing small farms, I want to show you what cool things there used to be, and that there are more out there! Visit them and search them out!

Places like this DO still exist and it’s a ton of fun. I’m looking forward to doing another Lavender Festival someday…just maybe not this year, for obvious reasons. Safty and physical distancing may prevent a lavender festival this year— especially one with crafts. Meanwhile I love inventing small crafts for a unique art lesson experience for places like this! And small farms and artists can help each other out with marketing and creating products that promote each other!

Cranberry Lake Lavender Farm was tucked away on a dirt road, with a little log cabin workhouse and gift shop. The sandy hill sloped towards the parking lot for a wonderful view of the rows of lavender poking through landscaping fabric. The copper oil distillery out the back of the little log cabin gift shop looked practically steampunk!

Lavender Farms in Michigan: aka, places I need to go paint:

Lavender Dream Farm, Marcellus, MI

Shades of Lavender Farm— Mattawan, MI

Lavender Hill Farm, Niles, MI

Lavender make-and-take crafts from 2019 Lavender Festival at Lavender Dream Farm

Lavender make-and-take crafts from 2019 Lavender Festival at Lavender Dream Farm


After a Wildfire: “A Bloom is Coming” Acrylic Painting


Finding Odd Places of Inspiration for Pink Blossom Impressionist Painting