Hello! I am an artist who has been creating prophetic art for almost 10 years, both live for services and in studio with my other work. I love examining art though a Biblical foundation; and believe that Christians are what makes art Christian. Helping adults play and make arty messes is a passion and calling. I hope I can help you brainstorm ways to get your art out there, habits to develop as an artist with excellence (vs. Perfection), and tools to align our vision with the Spirit and the Word.
“Heaven: Earth’s View” 24”x36”, acrylic on Paper, April 1, 2023, The Well Gathering, Benton Harbor. Click to read more.
February 18, 2023
March 13, 2022 A reminder to use what is in your hands- Miracles start with action and sacrifice to trust your potential with God.
February 5, 2022 Dancing sheep: they have arrived on God's pasture and celebrate waving the flags of ALL of God's answers:go, no, and wait.
16”x20” “Rebuilding Starts with Righteousness” Acrylic on canvas, The Well Church Gathering April 2023
16?”x16?” acrylic on canvas, April 1, 2023, The Well Gathering Benton Harbor
May, 2021 “Rain of Hope”
Rain is coming! Painted live during church one day, I saw a sweeping rain cloud with multicolored rain and big poofy clouds. I love rain and find it hopeful, with this refreshing rain of revival coming with joyfulness and play.
September 17, 2021 The Well church, Benton Harbor, acrylic on canvas, 48”x48”.
Painted this one live Friday night- a 4'x4' acrylic on canvas. The leaders at that church had been seeing visions of oil, rain, fire, and wind- they are expecting a revival! Afterwards, the prophetic leader there found something given to her in June, 2021: "I saw fire in the Sanctuary and it started to rain, and as the rain drops were hitting the fire, the rain drops would bounce and turn into fire, causing the fire to grow and move about."
May 30, 2021 “Tiny Warrior”
The God who is with you is far more important than what opposes you.
This little girl fights like one: fierce, tiny, a pot on her head, and a pink tutu. Of course she's no match for a giant monster! But the dragon is terrified of her, because he knows her power does not come from her equipment or physical strength, but who she is with. Painted live during a church service,
September 12, 2021, The Bridge church, Portage. Acylic, 48”x48”
June 2020, “ A Bloom of Hope” 6’x4’, Acrylic on canvas. Read more here.
Advent painting 6’x3’, the Bridge Church 2022.
A Set, designed with the progression of glory in mind but also to be touched and felt, literally! High impasto texture to invite the viewer to engage and experience, not be a just passive spectator.
“Dance of the Siblings” Painted live for a Destiny Rescue Auction
November 8, 2022, 24”x48” Read more here.
The Well Gathering, 2022. From a series of 3, created with blown art and trash! The theme of this conference was Ezekiel 37 and the Valley of Dry Bones. The Words of God spoken through the Person of God brings life.
Feb 17, 2019
Feb 17, 2019
Sept 11, 2016